
If you are a new owner, make sure you've added your contact information to our list. Reach out if you need any help.

Brivo Onair

Brivo Onair is used to manage individual access credentials for your unit. You can create or delete users, and assign PIN codes or mobile keys to be used with Brivo Mobile Pass.

More info here.

Submit a ticket to have us make changes for you.

Brivo Mobile Pass

Brivo Mobile Pass lets you enter the building using your mobile device. You can unlock the doors from afar or simply walk up and touch the reader without needing to enter a PIN.

Android App

iOS App


Pay HOA is an online tool that lets the us efficiently manage inflows and outflows. You can streamline your monthly HOA dues or find a history of any past payments.


Slack is the core communication tool used by everyone associated with the Lincoln Building, owners, tenants, and staff alike. Anyone who wants to be in the know or meet others in the building should join us.